I think I have mentioned before that I am the oldest of three girls. My youngest sister and I live in the same town. The middle sis lives in the upper northeast and we live in the deep south.
Middle sis just arrived yesterday for her annual visit......We have been looking forward to this for months!
So for the next several days we will be chatting, eating, shopping, going on walks, having a visit from Mr. Perfect just to name a few things.
Since I am bossy in charge I have each day packed with actives that 40 something chicks like to enjoy. I also have the Dream Dish ready to make at a moments notice should we feel faint! Plus my middle sis is skinner than me looking a little thin and I thought it would fatten nourish her a bit.
Not that I mind being the heaviest rounder of the three or the oldest most mature...I just want to show her some good southern hospitality!
I'll check in often but I know ya'll will understand if I miss a day here in there.......
I am just trying to make the best of the last part of summer......I hope you are too!
Have a lovely time this weekend. I am the oldest of three girls as well. Both sisters are married to ministers so weekend visits are out and like you, we don't live near one another. We rarely get together all at once so your weekend sounds especially nice to me--enjoy.
Posted by: Terry | July 31, 2008 at 02:48 PM
Have fun!
Posted by: Lisa@take90west | July 31, 2008 at 10:47 PM
I think I like the sound of that good Southern hospitality. :) Have fun with your sis!
Posted by: Jackie @ Our Moments Our Memories | July 31, 2008 at 11:44 PM
Enjoy the weekend, girl. And eat some dream dessert for me!
Posted by: karen | August 01, 2008 at 06:45 AM
Enjoy your weekend! And by all means, break out that dream dessert!
Posted by: Maria | August 01, 2008 at 09:02 AM
Have fun and have an extra piece of dessert for me
Posted by: Beachy Mimi | August 01, 2008 at 07:58 PM